What is happens after you smoke marijuana or weed?/And short term side effects of weed or marijuana.
Marijuana,Weed, Pot, Dope, Ganja, Mary Jane, Cannabis.
Its got many names, and lots of uses. Whatever you wanna call it, marijuana use is more popular
than ever. More and more places are legalizing marijuana, for
recreational purposes, also as for medical use. But one has got to wonder,
Are there any downsides to smoking
How bad is it for you, really?
Today, lifeโs biggest questions asks, What happens to your
body once you smoke weed.?
Introduction to marijuana:
Marijuana is that the a part of the cannabis plant that has
the flowers, seeds, leaves and stems. Most people consume marijuana by smoking it. When you inhale the smoke, the drug goes into your
bloodstream, and makes its thanks to your brain and therefore the remainder of your body. If youโre eating marijuana, the effect may be a bit
different, and it takes tons longer to take hold. now we look some short term side effects of weed or marijuana.
What’s happens to your brain after you smoke weed or marijuana?
- The main appeal of marijuana is it causes your brain to
release dopamine.
- This is what causes you to feel high.
- In addition to the euphoria, dopamine hightens your sensory
perception. This is why food might taste different or better when youโve
smoked weed.
- pain can feel more intense.
- you’re much more sensitive to being
- Marijuana, like alcohol, impairs your judgement. The way you process information could also be different,
counting on the person.
- It is an efficient thanks to combat depression, but once
you’re going through withdrawal from marijuana, Depression may return with a vengeance.
- It also can help with anxiety by helping you relax, or make
your anxiety worse.
- Marijuana also can cause memory problems.
- You may find that once you smoke marijuana, your short term
memory isn’t as sharp.
- Your eyes also can become bloodshot, as THC causes the blood
vessels in your eyes to expand.
- Many people who smoke marijuana will cough, experience dry mouth and a sore throat .
- These effects are temporary, but Smoking generally is pretty
bad for your lungs, and excessive smoking can irritate your bronchial passages,
increasing your risk of bronchitis. Frequent smokers also will produce tons of phlegm.
- Almost immediately after you smoke weed, your pulse is
accelerated. This heightened pulse can last hours.
- Your balance, coordination and posture also are affected.
- After smoking marijuana, you’ll almost certainly develop an
appetite. This is commonly know as the munchies.
- This particular side effect of marijuana are often very
useful for patients affected by AIDS, also as combating nausea that cancer patients
experience once they are being treated with chemotherapy. But if youโre trying to reduce weight , the munchies may be a side
effect that causes unnecessary over eating, so if youโre on a diet, maybe refrain from
smoking marijuana.
The medical benefits of marijuana are as follows:
- It can ease the symptoms of glaucoma by lowering pressure
within the eyes.
- It reduces nausea and vomiting.
- Its an efficient sort of pain relief, and it reduces
- It eases the symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis) , like spasticity and muscle
- There is some research to suggest that THC decreases the
danger of tumor growth, but this is still being researched.
There are health risks related to smoking marijuana:
- The risks, while not as severe as smoking cigarettes, are
still evident. Marijuana smoke does contain chemicals also as carcinogens,
so there’s a high chance that could cause an increased risk of carcinoma (lung cancer) . But consistent with the National Institute of substance
abuse , at this point there’s no conclusive evidence that marijuana smoke causes carcinoma(lung cancer) .
- Many of the consequences of cannabis on your lungs are
temporary, and can get away once you stop smoking.
- There still must be tons more research into the consequences
of cannabis on humans. Key risk groups that ought to avoid marijuana are pregnant
women, adolescent consumers as
- It could have an impact on the developing brain, people that
are predisposed to schizophrenia, or other sorts of psychosis also as people that are bipolar,
and other people who are depressed.
What is happens inside your body? :
Whether you are never stoner or never touch my corner in your life chances are you’re familiar with the things that happen when you smoke weed or rather their effects.
The drowsiness,the giggles, the sudden deep desire to discuss eighth grade philosophy and other such symptoms allure the result of heightened processes going on your body when you get high.
Many have at least a vague understanding of how it works the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol better known as THC.
Zip through your bloodstream after ingestion and interact with parts of your brain like the hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex to cause a high it’s more complicated than that of course but the general concept isn’t difficult to grasp unless you’ve had one too many pot brownies.
However the layman’s knowledge tends to stop there most people know the over symptoms of talking up but what causes the red eyes why do some people experience cottonmouth or with Nick perhaps most importantly was the deal with the munchies fortunately for the curious or those who prefer to know what’s going on inside their bodies there’s a plenty of research devoted to answering these questions and short term side effects of weed or marijuana.
Six things that happen to inside your body when you smoke weed:
1. Dopamine flow to your brain :
- Like most drugs marijuana Sky comes from the neurotransmitter dopamine which is associated with our brain reward system acting through cannabinoid receptors THC stimulates the release of dopamine in large amounts causing feelings of euphoria.
2. To body fluids dry up including your vagina:
- Talk about a mood killer research has shown that weed can temporarily dry up mucus membranes throughout your body including your vagina hence the term cotton vagina that’s been well cottoning on in some circles.
3. Your blood pressure drops:
- Which causes blood vessels across your body to dilate creating a drop in blood pressure. this is most apparent in your eyes as your blood vessels expands they appear red and your peoples may become dilated.
4. Your senses get more intense:
- In addition to triggering the release of dopamine. THC binds to brain receptors associated with our senses of smell and taste which has been shown to heighten their sensitivity combined with the side effect of pupil dilation many of your senses can become temporarily heightened.
5. Your heart speeds up:
- Smoking weed is known to speed up your heart rate for up to three hours after getting high although this is often harmless it can increase your chances of having a heart attack especially when combined with the drop in your blood pressure.
6. THC fools your brains feeding system:
- Even if you don’t smoke you’re not familiar with the munchies researchers and stoners have long known that marijuana increases appetite and recently science has begun to shed light on the reason. according to a 2015 study THC flips a switch so to speak on the neurons that wear previous is responsible for telling your body to stop eating. when you get high these neurons begin signaling that you are actually starving and suddenly you find yourself in the Taco Bell parking lot surrounded by what used to be seven burritos.
In my opinion nothing is wrong as long as it does not exceed the limits.got it what are the short term side effects of weed or marijuana. now look on chemical substance.
In Canada 33% of 18 to 24 year olds reported using marijuana in the past year. Furthermore 22% of boys and 10% of girls who have used in the past year tend to do so daily.
examining the common myth that weed stays in your body for 30 days,
how it can affect different parts of a user’s body.
Typically people believe
that marijuana can stay in the body for up to 30 days but is this entirely true?
Let’s take a look at our three users and see what research has to tell us.
1.Taylor Stalkings. Taylor is a typical couch potato loves playing video games, watching TV, eating junk food, and frequently uses cannabis as a treatment for his epilepsy. Let’s look at how long the monitored ingredient of marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC can remain in Taylor’s system.
Our myth says 30 days and studies have shown that THC has been found in fat biopsies obtained around this 30-day period after marijuana was ingested. However, persistence of THC in the system has been shown to depend on the amount, frequency, and potency of the drug exposure. Long detection time span can be seen by heavy drug users even after they’ve stopped smoking for up to 77 days but this isn’t a specific case of one user that had chronic heavy marijuana use for more than 10 years.
Based on this information we may come to the conclusion that our friend Taylor here would likely have the drug persisting in their system for over 30 days.
2. Gary Socks who is a first-time user with a very active lifestyle. As we learned from Taylor, the type of lifestyle taken on by our sock friends can have an impact on how long it is present in the body.
Marijuana’s primary psychoactive ingredient, THC, is deposited in the fat of an individual because it is highly lipophilic, meaning it is attracted to fats. After deposition, it is slowly released over time.
Since Gary eats well portioned meals and exercises daily, this enhances his fat metabolism. Fat metabolism is associated with the activation of the sympathetic nervous system that releases adrenocorticotropic hormone also known as ACTH. ACTH helps break down fats in a process called lipolysis. Lipolysis is what causes the release of THC from adipocytes into the bloodstream thereby increasing the concentration of THC in the blood.
Based on this information, Gary would have THC in his system for less than 30 days as he often burns fat doing what he loves most and he’s a one-time user.
3. Patricia Podiatry who is an occasional user with moderately active lifestyle. As we learn from Taylor and Gary, THC levels vary with dosage and frequency of smoking as well as the individual’s fat metabolism. Some individuals during the terminal elimination phase may produce consecutive specimens that test positive, negative, and positive again over time. Also, urinary cannabinoid detection times varied substantially across the assays, subjects, doses, and cut-off concentrations.
So as an occasional user with a moderate lifestyle the persistence of THC in Patricia’s system is highly variable. The persistence of THC in adipose tissue has been found to have some adverse health conditions.
For example, chronic smoking has been associated with insulin resistance in the adipose tissue. As the brain is 60% fat, there may also be implications in its health after long-term marijuana usage, but studies are not conclusive. The storage of metabolism of THC is not the only thing that differs amongst individuals.
Taylor, Gary, and Patricia are also going to have different reactions to it due to their brain chemistry. THC exerts its effects through its interaction with specific cannabinoid receptors in the brain. This interaction especially in a reward area of the brain is thought to contribute to the pleasurable effects often experienced with marijuana usage.
However, these pathways are highly unique to each individual which explains why some users experience marijuana differently than others.
In summary, we touched upon the myth of marijuana being present in the average users body for 30 days. We now know the time that marijuana remains stored in the body’s fat is highly variable on:
- The concentration smoked
- The frequency smoked
- The lifestyle of the individual.
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