sex benefits

How is sex gonna benefit you?


sex benefits


Sex is an essential factor in your

In this article, we look to provide
you complete information about sex and we highlight the benefits of having


What is Sex?

There are many definitions of the
term “Sex”. According to many people, the term sex means the insertion of a penis
into the vagina. But,
this conception isn’t true for everybody.

There are different types of Sex that are listed as

  • Vaginal sex (penis-in-vagina intercourse)
  • Oral sex (mouth-to-genital contact)
  • Anal sex (penis-in-butt intercourse)
  • Fingering or hand jobs (hand-to-genital contact)
  • Dry humping or genital rubbing
  • Masturbation (touching yourself)

Types of Sex explained in detail


Vaginal Sex: It is one of the common forms
of sex. Vaginal sex is performed by inserting the penis into the vagina. Some
people with vulva or clitoris, orgasm from vaginal sex alone. Some people might
not be comfortable with it.

There are high chances of
getting pregnant while having vaginal sex.

You should consider different birth
control methods that help prevent pregnancy.


: Oral sex is using your mouth to stimulate another person’s
genitals. Some of you might be comfortable with it, while some of you might not.

You will not get pregnant from oral
sex but there are chances (very less) of getting STD’s. You can use condoms to
prevent STDs.


It is intercourse during which the penis is inserted into the anus.


 Some people enjoy having anal
sex, and some people don’t like it at all. 
Anal sex should be performed when you are relaxed and by using lubricant
otherwise, it might hurt you.

You should not use anything
containing oil in it, like Vaseline, lotion, or baby oil as they can weaken a
condom and make it more likely to break.  Instead of that, you can use water or silicone-based lubricants in the condom aisle that is easily available at medical
or drug stores.

You can’t get pregnant from anal
sex. But there’s a bigger chance of getting STDs that includes HIV, from
unprotected anal sex (without a condom).


An orgasm refers to the tension that is released during sex
or masturbation.

During an orgasm,
the penis squirts a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of semen, a white
liquid that contains sperm and other fluids. This is termed ejaculation.
It’s possible to have an orgasm without ejaculating or to ejaculate without an
orgasm, but they usually happen together.

Female ejaculation i.e. squirting
of fluid out of the vulva before or during an orgasm is less
common than ejaculation out of the penis.

Many people orgasm very quickly
whereas many could not. These differences are normal and you should not worry
about them.

How can sex benefit your body?

According to research, sex boosts physical health and
well-being. It is helpful in improving your mood and mental well-being.


Sexual activity in men can:


  • ü
    Lower the risk of developing
    prostate cancer
  • ü
    Lower Mortality risk


Sexual activity in women:


  • ü
    Improves fertility
  • ü
    Reduces incontinence
  • ü
    Builds stronger pelvic muscles
  • ü
    Helps to produce more vaginal lubrication
  • ü
    Protects against endometriosis
  • ü
    Improves bladder control
  • ü
    Relieves menstrual and premenstrual

Enlisting the health benefits of performing sex:


o  Heart Health:
Good sexual quality appears to protect women from cardiovascular risk in later


According to the research of 2016, it
was found that sexually active women have a lower risk of cardiac events later
in life.

Whereas this research also
concluded that frequency of sex is positively related to later risk of
cardiovascular events in men.

People with heart problems should
consult their doctor for knowing how much sex is safe for them.


o  Boosts Immunity:
Studies depicted that people who were engaged in having frequent sex usually
for about one or two times a week had more no. of antibodies (IgA) in their

The people who didn’t perform sex
frequently found less no. of lgA in them.

These antibodies played an
important role in the prevention of illness.


o  Good Sleep:
Sex makes it easier for you to fall asleep.

During the act of sex several
hormones are released.  Oxytocin is a released hormone that makes you feel
connected to your partner.

 While having an orgasm a hormone called
prolactin is released that makes you feel relaxed and sleepy.


o  Relieves Stress:
A stress-related hormone called Cortisol helps in lowering stress during sex. Cortisol
is a steroid hormone that circulates the body in response to stress.

Sexual satisfaction is one of the ways to feel more intimate with your
partner as well as a great stress reliever.

Sex helps in release of oxytocin,
endorphins, and other “feel-good” hormones that reduces the effect of stress.

o  Reduces risk of Prostate cancer:
According to studies, a high frequency of ejaculation may reduce the risk of
prostate cancer.

This study concluded that those who
ejaculated more than 21 times per month had lowered risk of prostate cancer
than men who only ejaculated 4–7 times per month.

o  Reduces Blood Pressure:
During the research, researchers found that older women who expressed satisfaction
with their sex lives were not exposed to have high blood pressure.

Many people with high blood
pressure or hypertension are concerned about their safety while having sex.

Though it is safe having sex in the
above-mentioned conditions you must speak to a doctor.


How can sex benefit your Mental Health?

Sex reduces stress and helps to make you happier.

Sexual activity helps in:

  • increasing satisfaction with your mental health
  • increased levels of trust, intimacy, and love in your relationships
  • improved ability to perceive, identify, and express emotions
  • Lowering the use of your immature psychological defense mechanism,
    or the mental processes to reduce distress from emotional conflict.
  • Boosting confidence and making you look younger.

What are
the Effects of Sex on the Brain?

Certain specific signals from the nerves from the sexual
areas of the body are sent to the brain that further creates different sexual

Several neurotransmitters play a vital role in
bringing sexual pleasure. They are listed as follows:

o  Prolactin:
This hormone is related to reduce sexual response.

o  Dopamine:
This hormone secretes in the body and increases sexual arousal.

o  Oxytocin:
This hormone helps in promoting feelings of intimacy and closeness.

o  Serotonin:
It arises the feeling of happiness during the arousal phase.

o  Norepinephrine:
This hormone makes the genitals more sensitive by constricting the blood


What are the benefits of Masturbation?

Masturbation benefits are similar to that of Sex that

Increased ability for orgasms

Increased sexual satisfaction

Enhanced sex

Understanding your own body

Self-esteem boost

Treatment for sexual dysfunction

Masturbation is extremely safe as there is no risk of
pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).







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