Improve eyesight in natural ways.


How to improve eye sight.
How to improve eyesight?

Eyesight is the major concerned problem of people nowadays. It is
not only seen in older people but also in the younger generation. 

Although, there are several natural ways you can improve your
vision without attaining glasses. 

In this article, we list various natural ways by which you can
improve vision without surgery.

List of ways to improve your Vision

1. Protective Eyewear: 

Eye glasses for protection
Protective eyewear. 

   Protecting your eyes from Ultraviolet rays, eye damages, and
impacts are essential.

You should invest in eye wears that
is made of polycarbonate material because it resists shattering and can provide
UV (ultraviolet light) protection.

You should use eye protection if you
are involved in the activities listed below:

  • Hazardous
  • Flying
    debris or other small particles 
  • Objects
    that fly into the eyes unexpectedly

 2. Sufficient Vitamins and Minerals:  

Vitamins for better eyes.
Vitamins for healthy eyes. 

    You should consume certain vitamins such as Vitamin A, C,
and E and minerals for example Zinc in order to maintain your eye health and to
prevent several vision problems. 

Also, omega-3 fatty acids have
anti-inflammatory properties and are very important for retinal health. 

The foods that contain 

  • Omega-3

  • Coldwater
  • Flaxseed
  • Walnuts

  • Zinc

  • Red
  • Shellfish
  • Chickpeas
  • Yogurt

  • Vitamins

  • Apricots
  • Carrots
  • Mangos
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries
  • Almonds

3. Sunglasses

According to research UV radiation, whether from natural
sunlight or indoor artificial rays can damage the eye’s surface tissues as
well as the cornea and lens. 

UV radiations may result in harmful
eye conditions:

  • Cataracts
  • Eye
  • Growths
    on Eye
  • Snow

Select sunglasses that provide 100%
UV rays protection.

4. 20-20-20 rule: 

Nowadays laptops, phones, computers have become one of the
essential things in our life. 

Staring screens for a long time may
affect your eyes and make them tired. 

The 20/20/20 rule says that every 20
minutes, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

5. Examine Your Eyes

You should examine your eyes by going to your concerned

Sometimes, due to lack of signs or
symptoms, we do not prefer to go eye check-ups but there might be some

As earlier as you know your eye
problems, they would be easier to treat. 

6. Controlled Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that affects the bodyโ€™s ability to
produce insulin effectively to control blood sugar (glucose) levels. 

According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
about 90% of vision loss from
diabetes can be prevented. 

Various eye diseases caused by
diabetes are:

  • Diabetic
    : It is a condition when blood
    vessels in the retina swell, leak, or close off completely. 
  • Diabetic
    macular edema
    : Diabetic macular edema occurs when fluid builds upon the retina and causes swelling and blurry vision.
  • Cataract:
    Excess blood sugar from diabetes can causes cataracts.
  • Glaucoma:
    Glaucoma is an eye condition when your eye’s optic nerve is damaged which
    further leads to irreversible loss of vision.

To prevent yourself from eye damages
caused by diabetes, you should maintain your blood sugar.


7. Heredity

Eyesight is hereditary conditions

There are eye conditions that are hereditary that is they pass
on to you from your parents as well as grandparents. 

These eye conditions include:

  • Retinal
  • Optic
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related
    macular degeneration

You should find these conditions
listed above and take precautions as early as possible. 

8.Chronic Conditions:

 Not only diabetes is the condition responsible for your vision
loss but also there are many conditions other than it that can also result in
the same. 

Here is the list of the following

  • Cancer
  • High
    blood pressure
  • Kidney
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Hepatitis
  • Hearing
  • High
    blood cholesterol

Getting treatment for these chronic
conditions will surely prevent you from vision loss. 

9.Clean Hands and Lenses

You should keep your hands neat and clean.  There are germs
present in our hands that may irritate your eyes when you touch them or while
you insert lenses in your eyes.
good hygiene can help you to prevent eye infections.

 So you should be careful enough
and wash your hands properly although you do not find them dirty.



Smoking is a cause of lung disease, heart disease, cancer, and
many other serious health problems. 

But have you wondered if it would be
the cause of vision loss?


Smoking makes your eye problems get more than just worse.

Following is the list of eye conditions that get worsen on

Smoking with dry eye will make your eyes scratchy, sting, burn or be

If you smoke, you are at increased risk of getting cataracts.

macular degeneration (AMD):
In this condition, a part of the retina called
the macula is damaged.

 There is a loss of your central vision and you may
not be able to see fine details.
In this, blood vessels in the eye are damaged that further
causes blurry or distorted vision and possibly blindness.

There are also some other eye
conditions that occur due to smoking:

  • Optic
    nerve problems
  • Uveitis
  • Gravesโ€™

Also, smoking can harm your babyโ€™s
eyes during your pregnancy.  So you should avoid smoking to prevent such

 11. Exercise

You should be always in touch with exercise to stay physically
fit. There are different eye exercises that you can perform to make your vision

What are some exercises to improve your eyesight?

Here is the list of few eye exercises which you can perform and
see the difference in your vision:

Look upwards, back to normal, and then look downwards and get back to normal. Repeat it again.

Look towards the right, then get back to normal and again look towards left and back to normal. Repeat this process.

Movement 1:
Look right side up and then back to normal again, look left side down and back to normal. Repeat this exercise.

Movement 2:
Look left side up and go back to normal and then look right
side down and back to normal. Repeat again.

Move your eyes in a clockwise direction in a big circle and repeat
this process.

Move your eyes in an anti-clockwise direction in a big circle
and repeat it again.

Squeeze your eyes for a few seconds and then move your eyelids. You should
try doing it for about a minute every day.

Bend your neck backward and while opening your eyes try to look to the the point between your eyebrows, without moving your eyelids, till you feel
pain in your eyes or your eyes start watering.

Turn your palms into cups and cover your eyes and try to open your
eyes in the darkness.

Rub: Rub your palms and apply this heat to your eyelids.


1.How do I know that I have an eye problem?

   Ans: Hazy,
blurred, or double visions are the common symptoms experienced. Seeing flashes of light or sudden bright floating spots, seeing rainbows or halos around lights, floating โ€œspider websโ€ etc. can be the warnings of having an eye problem. 

It’s the increase in outside time that is important.
Remember, every time we are in the sun without protection, we can be
damaging our eyes. 

Too much exposure to UV rays without protective eyewear
increases the risks of eye diseases including cataracts, growths on the eye,
or cancer.

2.Is it possible to treat eyesight

Ans: It
is possible to treat eyesight problems but for that, you should first know what the problem is. There are hundreds of thousands of optometrists,
opticians, and ophthalmologists who do that daily.





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