Home remedies for piles with healthy prevention:


Home remedies for piles with prevention:

home remedies for piles and treatment of piles at home

In this article, we
are gonna tell about some home remedies for piles. Piles can

be caused due to constipation, diarrhea, or eating a lot of
spices and condiments.

This piles home remedies gives best treatments for piles
problems. piles cure in 3 days with these home remedies but based on which
types of piles you have. If you want to piles treatment at home then you can
try these remedies.

As piles treatment in Ayurveda:

remedy for piles , informative health tech , health tips


  We need to take 1 cut
radish (mooli) and grind it to make it into a thick paste. After crushing the
radish, we add it to another bowl, add a little bit of milk to that, make it
into a thick paste and apply it to the affected area, for about 15 minutes,
twice a day. This is best for the bleeding piles treatment.


 For this home remedy take a tablespoon of cumin powder
(jeera powder), add a little bit of water to make a thick paste, mix it well
and once it is made into a thick paste apply this to the affected area for 15
minutes twice a day.


 In this home remedy, take a piece of ginger, take a handful
of mint leaves, mix that well, make it into a paste, after crushing it, you
need to extract the juice, to that we add 2 tablespoon of lemon juice, and a
teaspoon of honey, mix that well and have that twice daily.

These are the basic home remedies for piles which give the
best result according to the condition of your piles.

How to do internal hemorrhoids treatment? In this article I
will show you and give some tips on this and I give some tips on how to care
about piles or how to treat piles according to the grade of piles.

After the home remedies for piles we need to understand
prevention of piles.

How to prevent piles:

basic prevention of piles , cure pile in 3 days

  Preventing piles is very easy

  Prevention methods
such as having a high fibre diet,

  Regular exercise etc.
keep this condition at bay,

Some preventing
measures are:

 1. Avoid Straining while passing stool :

Constant strain to pass stool causes a build up of pressure
in  rectal Veins,The veins can
swell,  thus forming internal

To Prevent this, a person should stick to a high fibre diet
and drink plenty of fluids such that the bowel moments can take place easily
and smoothly.

2. Avoid scratching:

In the primary stages
of piles. a constant itching sensation is felt in the anus. Even if one does
not have piles.

Constant scratching 
in  and around the anus can cause
the veins to swell up.This teaching will give a momentary relief. however, it
will also aggravate the situation.

3. Avoid Sitting for too long :

Sitting in the same
position for a long period of time causes the rectal veins to weaken.

This causes the veins To swell up  easily. thus causing hemorrhoids.Constant
movement is required to prevent this condition for sitting in.

4. Stay cool :

Wearing a tight
outfit for underwear builds up excess heat and moisture around the anal area
which increase the risk of developing piles.

Wearing light and
cool fabric clothing helps prevent this build of heat. hence, it is important
to steer clear of tight-fitting clothes

5. Avoid stress :

Even though not directly related, stress is a common factor
for developing hemorrhoids. stress causes the digestive tract to Malfunction.

Thereby giving rise
to conditions such as chronic constipation. Due to this the risk of forming
piles is high.Hence maintaining a stress free lifestyle is another way to
prevent it.


Diet tips for piles prevention:

foods for prevent piles , best foods for piles .

 Basically, the piles problem starts from constipation. all
the  anorectal disease to 70 to 80%
anorectal diseases they are born out of constipation.

 So first we have to
see how to take care of the constipation on a daily basis keep a

 A very healthy diet so that first of all we will just focus on
what has to be avoided 

 So the piles patient
or any patient who is having that anorectal disease any one of the inner rectal
disease should definitely.

 1. Non-veg :

  Avoid non-veg items
when on which we mean or your egg fish mutton chicken all these for non-veg
items should be definitely avoided by the piles patient or anorectal problem

 2. Spicy items:

  Secondly please avoid
all your fried items, all your kebabs or spicy items.

 3. Potato items:

  Please avoid potato
items. fried potato or boiled potato or potato no vegetable form because potato
contains very less of fiber and more of starch so whenever we are taking more
of potato items the fiber is very less than that so what happens there are more
chances of constipation so it is always recommended for piles patient to avoid
potato items in whichever way.

 4. Fried items:

  All the
anorectal  disease patients should
definitely avoid fried items by fried items you know whatever the junk food is
available or your patties which package samosa all those items fried items
should be definitely avoided because by consuming fried items again the
constipation goes on a high rise so better to avoid fried items.

 5. White flour:

 Please avoid all white flour items that are refined floor
items. Refine flour items means all maida items. all your bread buns biscuit all
your maida paratha all you know pizzas burgers everything so that definitely
you have to keep a check on that. please you know whatever homemade food is
available please go for that instead of all these white flour items because it
contains very less fiber again. it gives a high chance of constipation with
constipation all these problems again follow.

 6. Hot-spicy foods:

  First, please avoid
spicy food. spicy food I mean a lot of masalas and spices and oil please avoid
that also this simple with a very minimum quantity of oil whichever food is made
available at home please prepare that and have that.

 So 5 things you
should avoid white flour, potato, non-veg items, and spicy items, and fried


What are piles or hemorrhoids?

  When the winds around the rectum get inflamed they cause the
condition which 
is referred to as piles or hemorrhoids.

 Piles may develop because of pressure over the humeroradial
  The vein which is passes through
the anal region. Whenever this vein gets pressed, stress, strain piles may


Symptoms of piles:

 1. The symptoms of piles depend upon where it has occurred.

 2. If the internal rains
get infected then a person does not feel much discomfort.

 3. If the external rains
are infected the person experiences more pain.

 4. The lumps can be felt
near the anal opening, itching and irritation around the anus.

 5. Positive blood in
stool are common symptoms of piles.

 6. Bleeding

 7. Pain

 8. Itching

 9. Burning sensation


Causes of piles:

  •  Chronic constipation
    and diarrhea caused severe pressure on the veins around the anus 
    This can lead to piles.
  •  Sometimes pregnant
    women develop this condition due to the weight of the fetus and increase in the
    blood flow, heavy weight lifting jobs and consumption of too many spices and
    condiments also cause this condition.
  •  If we see the simple
    causes in this are long sitting, long-standing, pregnancy again constipation.
    constipation is the main reason for piles.
  •  again with the same
    thing goes with pregnancy also at a time of pregnancy 9 months burden is there.
    because of fetal head, because of bulky uterus, hemorrhoidal vein pressed,
  • continuously pressed. at the time of pregnancy and after
    delivery also patients suffer from 
    this piles.

  •  Constipation patient
    stress  gives strain at the time of
    defecation at The time of passing stool and the piles develop.


Types of piles:

types of piles with grade of it. home remedies for piles

 So now if we see the
types of Piles.

1. Internal piles

2. External piles

3. Bleeding piles

4. Non-bleeding piles

5. Painful piles

6. Painless piles

but if piles are non-bleeding and if it’s painless. Patients
may take it as granted.  but it’s more
dangerous than painful or bleeding piles.

again with the gradation also piles differentiate like

grade of piles and types of piles.

1. First grade

2. Second grade

3. Third grade

4. Fourth grade


Piles Treatment tips based on grade:
best treatment of piles and medication for piles

First and second-grade piles:

 In the first and
second grade if you go for the treatment.

 First and second
grade piles are easy to treat because it’s go easily with the medicine
treatment, hot sitz bath, ice cube fermentation then injection therapy again
very simple treatment and can do in the OPD level.

Third and fourth grade piles:

 But if your piles
develop and in progress you stay like third and fourth grade piles for great
piles is also called at the prolapsed piles because it’s prolapsed and coming
out from the anal region.

 So it indicates it is
a little bit dangerous because this may convert into carcinoma ,malignancy
tumor, tuberculosis tumor and many other diseases. Which are very dangerous to

 So don’t take it as
granted for third and fourth-grade go for the doctor and consult it. and as
soon as your third and fourth grade piles need surgery only.

 The surgery you go with: 

1. Stapler surgery

2. laser surgery

3. Claro treatment

4. ligation treatment

5. Inner dilatation treatment

  any surgery but it’s
a very right way to go for the surgery for product statement.


 How do you come to know
that you are suffering from piles?

 because piles somehow
are internal and mean  in internal also
first and second grade. only patient saw piles when it comes out and in
anal  there or some swelling region over
periphery of the periphery of the anal then only patient come to know that he
or she suffer from the piles.

 so pain always pain is not there means the patient is
suffering from piles. it means not he or she must have pain.

 as I earlier says
piles may be painful or painless  but if
you are not suffering any pain.

 if you are not
feeling any pain means you don’t say that it is easy to treat or it will go
easily no it’s not like that.

same thing differs with bleed also

 if bleeding is there,
well you are going to and consult a doctor. but your bleeding is not there and
you feel some pain is there. a burning sensation is there.

 so you have to take
it as soon as possible.


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the wall the rectum and
anus caused by too much pressure in the vein.

They can cause pain or bleeding.

The primary symptoms of hemorrhoids are lumps on the anus
that may become painful or swollen.

 Bleeding from the anus or rectum, particularly when you pass

Mucus in the rectum and itching.

The good news is … most of these symptoms will go away on
their own.

 Hemorrhoids can be caused by being overweight, pregnancy,
lifting heavy objects, constipation 
or diarrhea for a long period of time, sitting on the toilet
too long, pushing too hard while 
passing stool, and, sometimes, anal sex.


To treat the symptoms:

  •  You can use a stool
    softeners or laxatives,
  •  Take pain medication,
  • Apply numbing cream,
  • Or sit in a shallow tub of warm water for 10-15 minutes a
    few times a day.

Some removal methods include:

  • A shot that causes scarring
    in hemorrhoid,
  • Heat,
  • Electric current,
  • Lasers,
  • Tying the hemorrhoids
    with special rubber bands that cause it to fall off,
  • Or sometimes surgery.

To prevent hemorrhoids:

  • Make sure to eat
  • Drink fluids,
  • Exercise,
  •  Go to the toilet when
    you feel like you have to,
  • Or refrain from sitting on the toilet too long,
  • And keep your anus clean.


To treatment piles or hemorrhoids:

  • Apply given home remedies for piles.
  • Take oral medication for hemorrhoids.
  • Consult the doctor.


Give your comments below and your valuable feedback too.

FAQ for piles treatment:

Q.1 Which antibiotics best for hemorrhoids?

Ans: you can take doxycycline, cefepime, or maxipime and primaxin for this problem.

Q.2 Which oral medication best for hemorrhoids?

Ans: I have the best oral medication list as follow: 
       1. Diosmin600mg
       2. Daflon500mg
       3. Micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPPF) 500mg

Q.3 What should not be eaten in piles?

Ans: whatever you eat all these effects on your existing piles so you can avoid some food which is most affects to piles.
1. fried foods and fast foods
2. non-veg
3. spicy items 
4. dairy items and white bread
5. low fiber foods items.

Q.4 Banana is good for piles?

Ans: Banna is well healthy food. it is full of calcium, potassium, and high rich fiber. so in piles problem, you defiantly eat the banana which helps you indigestion system.






  1. Ankita Avatar

    The cumin powder remedy is good and I tried it is useful for me. thanks. But to permanently cure piles problem take ayurvedic piles supplements

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