Home remedies for acne and other treatment :


Home remedies for acne and other treatment : 

I will provide the best acne treatment that work fast and
basic medical treatment for acne which is the basic so you can use it. After this, I will give some
additional information according to pimples or acne.

home remedies for acne fro www.informativepro.xyz/

Home remedies for acne treatment fast  :

Now let’s look at some of the best lifestyle changes and add
home remedies for acne that you can do and that will help you to decrease the severity of your acne and reduce the number of outbreaks.

 If you are taking medicines for acne these lifestyle changes
will definitely improve your results of the medication and help to fast or
boost the process of a cure for acne and pimples.

Home remedies for acne on face :

Diet :

diet for acne which benefits

 the diet lets us directly look at some of the food that worsens
acne and or causes new Outbreaks.

  1.  Dairy products
    especially skimmed milk.
  2.  Spicy food
  3.  Fast food
  4.  Whey protein powder
  5.  Refined sugars
  6.  Carbonated soft

  All of them cause
acne or they will exaggerate your already existing acne. avoid these foods in
your diet and find a decent replacement.

  A number of the
powerful home remedies for treating mild to moderate acne at 

 conventional acne
treatments  are expensive and
infrequently have undesirable side effects like dryness, redness, or irritation.

  This has prompted
many of us to seem into a way to cure acne naturally at reception.

  Let’s look at 8 of
these home remedies for acne that are backed by science. These are the best
overnight pimple treatment for you.


1. Apple cider vinegar :

best home remedies for acne

  • applying apple cider vinegar to your face. apple cider
    vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider or the unfiltered juice from fresh
    apples like other vinegars.
  •  Itโ€™s known for its
    ability to fight many sorts of bacteria and viruses.
  •  apple cider vinegar
    contains several organic acids that have shown to kill Propionibacterium acnes.
  •  It contains
    carboxylic acid and succeeding acid which are known to suppress inflammation
    caused by this bacteria and also help to dry up the surplus oil that causes
    acne within the first place.

How to use it ?

  •  mix 1 a part of apple
    cider vinegar and three parts of water use more water for sensitive skin.

  • After cleaning gently apply the mixture to the skin. For
    this use a cotton ball.
  •  let it sit for 5 to
    20 minutes and then rinse with water and pat dry.
  •  repeat this process 1
    to 2 times per week as needed.
  •  It is important to
    note that applying apple cider vinegar to your skin can cause burns and
    irritation so it should always be used in small amounts and diluted with water.


2. Take a zinc

treatment at hoe for acne

  •  zinc is an essential nutrient that’s important for cell
    growth, hormone production, metabolism, and immune function.
  • It is also one of the most studied natural treatments for
  • research shows that people will tend to have lower levels of
    zinc in their blood and then those with clear skin several studies have shown
    that taking zinc orally reduces acne.
  • In one study 48 acne patients who were given oral zinc
    supplements 3 times per day after 8 weeks 38 patients experienced an 80 to 100%
    reduction in acne.
  •  The optimal dosage of
    zinc for acne has not been established but several studies have shown a
    significant reduction in acne.
  • using 30 to 45 milligrams of elemental zinc per day.


3. Make a honey and
cinnamon mask:


best home treatment for pimple overnight

  •  studies have found
    that applying antioxidants through the skin is more effective at reducing acne
    than benzoyl peroxide and retinoids.
  •  Honey and cinnamon
    also have the ability to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation which are two
    factors that trigger acne.

How to make a honey and cinnamon mask ?

  •  you just have to mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon
    of cinnamon together to form a paste.
  •  After cleaning apply
    the mask to your face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes rinse the mask off
    completely and pat your face dry.


3. Take a fish oil supplement:

fish oil for acne treatment best home remedy

  •   omega-3 fatty acids
    are incredibly healthy fats that offer a multitude of health benefits.
  •  you must get these
    fats from your diet but research shows that most people who eat a standard
    Western diet don’t get enough of them.
  •  fish oil contains two
    main types of omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic
  •  EPA benefits the skin
    in several ways including managing oil production, maintaining adequate
    hydration and preventing acne.
  •  High levels of EPA
    and DHA have been shown to decrease inflammatory factors which may reduce a
    risk of acne.


5. Exfoliate regularly:

  • exfoliation is a process of removing the top layer of dead
    skin cells and it can be achieved mechanically by using a brush or scrub to
    physically remove the cells.
  • alternatively it can be removed chemically by applying an
    acid that dissolves them.
  •  exfoliation is believed
    to improve acne by removing the cells that clog up pores.
  •  It is also believed
    to make acne treatment for the skin more effective by allowing them to
    penetrate deeper once the topmost layer of skin is removed.


6. Suppress:

home remedy for pimple www.informativepro.xyz

  •  Suppress means apply ice on the pimple area because the
    pimple has a hot nature.
  • Take one clean cloth or towel and take it into an ice cube
    and rub gently.
  • It helps to relieve pimple pain.


7. Quick acne remedies that work : (acne treatment that work

 1.  1 drop of tea tree oil : take a drop on a cotton ball and
apply on the pimple and after 20 minutes remove that oil from the pimple by
using a cotton ball.

2.   3 drops of lemon and add one half teaspoon of honey in it
then mix it together and apply the same on the pimple for 20 minutes.

3.   One-half teaspoon of potato juice add 1 pinch of cinnamon
powder and mix it well together and apply for 20 minutes and then remove it.

4.   1 drop of raw papaya juice and apply it for 20 minutes on a
pimple and then remove from it. All these treatments are the best acne
treatment for you.


Home remedies for acne overnight:

home remedies for acne cure overnight


Take one and half teaspoon of aloe vera gel and take 3 mint
leaves then crush it and add in gel and mix it well together. Apply that on
pimple then leave it for overnight.

 it will definitely
work on pimples. This one is  my
favorite overnight acne treatment. 


Medical Treatment for acne :


Let’s start with how to treat acne in this I will be talking
about topical medicines you can apply on your face, face hygiene and oral
medicines and when and how you should take them and a lot more and then in the
end we will discuss about some of the best lifestyle changes you can do and add
home remedies that you can apply which will give you the best results for your


 The treatment depends
upon the severity of the acne. these various grades of acne as

different grades of acne have different treatment options. I
will give acne remedies that work.


let’s start with the basics


Grade 1 acne treatment :


so if you have grade 1 acne your basic treatment options are
only topical

medications that you can apply on your face.

1. Topical retinoid cream

2. Salicylic acid face wash


 I recommend a simple
topical retinoid cream and a salicylic acid face wash to be applied twice

 The night time
application of any cream is more beneficial as it gives the cream more time and
space to absorb deeply into your skin.


Retinoid cream :

cream for acne treatment
  •  retinoids normalize the cell cycle of the keratinocytes and
    also do a host of other things that are beneficial for a person who has acne on
    the face.

  •  The most commonly
    used are adapalene in the concentration of 0.1 to 0.3%  which is applied twice daily on the face.

  •  it comes in gels
    creams and lotions for you to choose from and from the day you start
    application you will see the results in a few weeks.


Salicylic acid face wash :

face wash for acne treatment

  •  Salicylic acid face wash is important as it helps to peel
    off the topmost layer of dead cells on your face as well as it also reduces the
    stickiness of individual cells with each other.


  Comedone extraction

pimple treatment form home

  •  comedone extractor
    instruments are placed central to the commodon 
    and a firm downward pressure is applied as a result unwanted material
    then comes out from the commodon.



What are the Types of acne ? 

what are the types of acne ?

What is acne ?

  acne is a chronic
skin condition that is formed when the pores of the skin are clogged with
excess oil or sebum and dead skin cells.

 These clogged pores will often become infected and inflamed
and may develop into any number of acne lesions.

 the pile of sebaceous unit the pile of sebaceous unit is
composed of the hair follicle hair shaft and sebaceous glands a properly
functioning pile of sebaceous unit does not cause pores to become clogged or


types of acne

Acne lesions (blackhead) :


  •  blackheads are a form
    of comedones.  Comedones is the medical
    term for clogged pores.
  • blackheads are produced when sebum and dead skin cells are
    trapped in the pores of the skin.
  • it’s important to note blackheads are not trapped dirt
    blackheads have an opening on the surface of the skin. when the clogged pore is
    exposed to air its contents become darker.


Acne lesions (Whitehead) :

  •   whiteheads are
    another type of comedones.
  • They are formed just like blackheads; they too  are trapped sebum and dead skin cells.
  •  However whiteheads do
    not have an opening on the surface of the skin.
  • therefore its color remains white. its contents isn’t exposed to the air so it keeps its white color.


Acne lesions (papules) :

  • papules are small and round elevations formed on the skin.
  • they’re hard to the touch and they can be tender.
  •  papules do not
    contain pus. they are caused by a break in the follicle wall that becomes
  •   it is flesh colored with no visible contents.



Acne lesions (pustules) :


  • pustules are small raised bumps on the skin. they are about
    the same size as papules
    .However, pustules contain pus.
  •  Pustules are formed
    when there is a break in the follicle wall triggering an increase to white
    blood cells.
  •  The pus in the lesion
    is a mixture of dead white blood cells, skin cells and bacteria.
  • pustules look similar to whiteheads but they have a reddish
    ring at their base indicating inflammation.
  •  questions look similar to whiteheads but they have a reddish
    ring at their base indicating inflammation.


Acne lesions (nodules) :

  • nodules are similar to papules.
  •  they too are caused
    by a break in a follicular wall.
  • they are hard to the touch and can be tender.
  • The difference between a nodule and papule is nodules are
    bigger and penetrate deeper in the skin.
  • It looks similar to a papule. it’s flesh colored but it is
    bigger in size.


Acne lesions (cysts) :


  • cysts are large painful lumps that contain pus.
  •  they form deeper than
    the skins layers.
  • cysts form when there is an infection at the site of
  • it is large red and contains pus.


Acne lesions classification:

acne lesions can be classified as

1. comodo

2. null inflammatory

3. nodulocystic


  • blackheads and whiteheads are comodonail lesions.
  • Papules and  pustules
    are inflammatory lesions.
  •  nodules and cysts are
    nodulocystic lesions.



Please note nodulocystic lesions are considered to be severe
inflammatory forms of acne.


 Currently there is
not an universal scale for the severity of acne but here is a commonly used
scale. This scale is based on the count of comodo, null inflammatory and
nodulocystic  in total lesions.


 The three
classifications are mild, moderate and severe.


1. mild acne:

  •   less than 20 comodo
    nail lesions.
  •  less than 15
    inflammatory lesions.
  •  less than 2
    nodulocystic lesions.
  •  less than 30 total


2. moderate acne:

  • 22 to 100 comodo nail lesions.
  •  15 to 50 inflammatory
  •  3 to 4 nodulocystic
  •  30 to 125 total


3. severe acne:

  • More than 100 comodo nail lesions.
  •  more than 50
    inflammatory lesions.
  •  more than 4  nodulocystic lesions.
  • more than 125 total lesions.


 This article  provided a general overview of acne. you
should be able to identify the different types of acne lesions. you should also
be able to classify acne lesions. Lastly, you should be able to rate the
severity of your acne breakouts.


How to manage acne: (prevention of acne )

how to mange acne at home

 for the management of PIMPLES.


Face hygiene :


face hygiene includes washing your face two to three times a
day with a good salicylic acid containing face wash.

  depending upon the
skin type using a particular moisturizer.

  washing your face in
the night is particularly important as it cleanses your skin and then you

can apply a moisturizer and then the subsequent topical

 After that you are
not exposed to sunlight or any form of pollution so the medicines that you can
apply on your face get ample amount of time to work in your skin.

 not touching your face with your hands as this transmits
several pathogenic bacteria from your hands to your face.

  These tips are to be
followed in all grades of acne.


 Grade 1 acne
treatment :
stage 1 acne

  so most of the grade
1 acne you respond to this minimal treatment of simple facial hygiene and
topical medications and show a good response within 2 weeks of treatment.

Grade 2 acne treatment :

stage two acne

 the treatment of
grade 2 acne and if you remember grade 2 acne is when we start seeing
whiteheads and onward blackheads.

in this also you can follow the same treatment we used for
grade 1 acne.


 In addition to
topical retinoids there are several topical medications that can be used in
grade 2 acne.

these include


 1. BPO or  benzoyl peroxide

2. Topical antibiotics

3. Azelaic acid


BPO or benzoyl peroxide is a very good topical antibacterial
agent that is effective against Propionibacterium acnes and other bacteria that
cause infection in the pilo sebaceous unit.


 it is available in
2.5 to 10% formulations.


choose a good face wash that contains BPO and salicylic acid
in a balanced combination that gives you the best result.


The combination of 0.1% adapalene and 2.5 % benzoyl peroxide
provides much better and faster results as compared to the individual drugs


Azelaic acid is a potent anti-inflammatory topical drug that
you can apply.

 for acne I recommend
20% concentration which is the best.


 then there are
several topical antimicrobial creams that are available but the most commonly
used is topical clindamycin. it gives a good result.


Grade 3 acne 
treatment :


stage 3 acne

if we look at grade 3 
acne from here onwards things get serious.

 you have nodules on
your face now and you have to start taking oral medications.


  The most commonly
used drug worldwide are

1. Azithromycin

2. Doxycycline

3. Minocycline

4. Isotretinoin


Now which drug you should take depends upon a lot of factors
that is why I’d simplified.

 I always recommend
consulting your local practitioner or MD dermatology before taking any


Topical medicines:

now topical medicines are the same as that of the previous
two benzoyl

peroxide in combination with salicylic acid.


Azelaic acid and retinoids like Adaplene  applied twice daily on your face.


Grade 4 acne treatment :

stage 3 acne

if you have grade 4 acne

 You need to consider
taking oral isotretinoin this is the main drug for the treatment of these types
of acne.

  and is usually
started at 10 to 20 milligrams per day and gradually increased up to 40 

  In addition to
isotretinoin you should also take oral antibiotics like tetracycline or
macrolides like azithromycin.

  In grade 4 acne we
also use intralesional corticosteroids which are basically using a very small
syringe to inject steroids like tramps and alone directly into the acne cyst.

 Other treatment options for severe acne include oral
dapsone, oral contraceptives for females and commodon extraction.

 So this was
information on how to treat acne overnight.



 What are the Causes of Acne ?

what are the cause of acne


you might be in a state where you are getting pimples often
and you really want to know what causes pimples.


You’ve tried everything you possibly could but your pimples
never appear to stop forming on your face.


 well there are
thousands of people with the same problem as you have now.

 it just seems like
these pimples won’t ever stop coming on your face pimples appear due to a
certain cause and when treated correctly. they go very soon there are a few
things that led to the growth of pimples on your face.


 If you know them you
can understand what are the things you are doing wrong and what causes pimples
but before I proceed further to tell you the causes of pimples.

What are the  causes
of pimples?


1. Genetics:

 is considered to be
one of the things that trigger pimple formation. your family history can make
you understand how often you will get pimples.


2. the sebum oil: 

 The sebum oil that is
produced on your skin can also lead to pimple growth. The dead skin cells which
are shed from the follicle and the skin bacteria with the presence of sebum
make a clog which can lead to the cause of a pimple.


3. Puberty:

Puberty  is the age
when most of you guys will start to develop skin related problems. androgens
are the hormones which our body produces. when you are in your puberty it’s all
part of your body’s natural development stages due to these hormones a gland
called sebaceous begins to charge all these changes at the puberty. age trigger
skin problems flare-ups during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy are
also caused by androgens.


 4. Bacteria:

bacteria is always present on your skin. when a follicle is
plugged multiple growth sub acne bacteria starts to happen. which in return
creates a reaction near the surrounding skin and inflammation occurs in the


5. when bacteria comes
in contact with an already existing pimple. It makes the pimple red and swollen
and sometimes painful. this might happen when you try to pop a pimple with your
fingers. the bacteria on your fingers may get into the pimple and might lead to
the problem.



how acne form in skin

 If we look very closely at the skin surface we can see
thousands of tiny openings called pores. 


These pores are the openings of follicles which are under the
skin surface.


tiny glands continuously pump oil also known as sebum into
the follicles. the oil travels up and onto the skin.


 The follicle is
aligned with cells which produce a material called keratin. this keratin

joins the oil that is flowing through the follicle.


 bacteria can also be
found in the follicles every hour of every day this mixture flows out of the
pore openings as long as the pores remain open.


 Unfortunately pores
can become clogged and start the acne process.


acne stage for formation

creams or makeup may block them but most importantly the
pores can become clogged

by touching or rubbing with the hands.


 This can push dead
skin cells down into the pore or cause a layer of skin to cover the pore.


when pores are blocked the oil and keratin that are being
pumped into the follicle can’t get out. pressure builds up and makes the
follicle expand like a balloon being filled with water.


as the follicle gets larger and larger this stretches the
follicle walls tiny holes can form through which bacteria and other contents in
the follicle can leak out.


This attracts cells of inflammation which try to fix the
problem. the cells lining the canal start to produce more keratin to shield
themselves from the increasing stretch.


acne types for info

Unfortunately this additional keratin adds even more
material to the canal as more and more oil and keratin build-up the follicle
can actually burst causing much more inflammation.


This is the point where we see red bumps and pimples on the
skin which we call acne.


 the expanded
follicles can also rupture from outside pressure such as from leaning on hands
or squeezing by fingers.


 yet another reason to
avoid touching acne prone areas.


 so why does acne not
typically start until around puberty.


 This is because
before puberty the oil glands make very little oil so even if a pore becomes
blocked not much pressure develops but starting in puberty hormones stimulate
the oil glands to produce much more oil.


 Which makes a person
more prone to acne because pressures in the follicle can build up quickly
because of genetics. some people can produce five to ten times more oil than


 Unfortunately these
people are more acne prone because there’s so much material trying to get out
of the small pore at the same time the follicle can expand and rupture even
without an actual pore blockage.




 pimples are often to occur when you are at the age of
puberty. even if you are done with puberty changes and yet if you are
  getting pimples don’t worry. it’s all a part
of what’s happening inside the skin. still you can manage to keep your pimple
away or make it go faster by taking necessary measures. For overnight cure
apply home remedy for acne on face which all are given in the article. Use the
best acne products for treating pimples. So apply my best home remedies for
acne with given instruction.








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